ghnbr1gv24's Blog

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fantastic felt

ghnbr1gv24 posted @ 2015年4月25日 11:16 in 未分类 , 1736 阅读

kind of geekiness is that? found vintage zipper in my stash of cool things. That all it took. The wool felt has been taken down from the top the shelf. have been a snippin Embroidery thread has been rifled through. Beads have been dumped out on the floor. It feels good to touch all this goodness again. I have been on a quest to learn. For the past few months, it been all about garment construction and fitting. a lot of blog posts because, well, if I truthful, it hasn always been pretty. has gone splendidly. Ending up with a garment that fits, not so much. A few good things have found there way out of the insanity, but there has also been more than a few projects destined for the do over bin but currently wadded up and thrown in the corner. Who wants to post do over wadders thrown in a corner? me. has opened a door that I had closed for a while. blast of fresh air feels good. More to come soon. In fact, I almost did. Fear not. I am done with the alterations and I still have both my eyes. They went in the mail to Canada earlier this week. I think they will be happy living together in a sparkly Christmas tree up north. I had a little trouble parting with Foxie Loxie, but I said my goodbyes and put her in the mail with the others. I think I heard her sniffle a little when I was wrapping her in tissue paper. Oh, wait. That might been me. I have another little fox part way stitched. I wonder if she will make it on my tree this year. My make it before Christmas list is pretty long, but maybe.

I been busy making some felt ornaments for an Etsy order. One of the ornaments requested was an owl. Let me just say that I LOVE Jessica Levitt owl pattern. Those little owls started my whole love affair with cheap nba jerseys china felt. Her pattern was my go to for owls. I am assuming this means you shouldn use her pattern to make owls to sell. Well, I am a rule follower. ALWAYS. I think it is a part of my genetic code. Sometimes it bites me in the butt. No matter. I follow rules. Since I couldn use Jessica pattern, got busy crafting a little owl to call my own. The only pattern I have ready to share is the squirrel. The rest of my little forest friends are rough sketches. I mostly fashion the pieces as I go. Maybe someday I will create a few patterns for sharing, but for now they are not available. So sorry.

Hello friends. Look at these birds. Are they not the cutest things ever??? I haven been this in love with a project since my apple fix a few years back. I found the pattern at The Paper Shed. I LOVE my mama. As soon as Birdie Bleu was complete, I knew that my friend, Beth, needed a little sparrow. Beth journey to motherhood has been punctuated by sorrow. As I stitched Birdie Bleu together, I this blog post she wrote. Hoping for blessing upon blessing in the days to come, Beth.

I love me some wool felt. Such a versatile medium. Good for ipod covers, ornaments, pincushions, coin wallets, and so much more. stash has grown over time. Yesterday it was a frightful pile lacking order. It was chaotic and irksome. So I organized it.

to make new clothes for my measuring tape. Maybe I should ride this wave of inspiration and tackle the triplets bedroom. It looks chaotic and irksome. Hang tight while I think about it. Okay. Done. Ummmm, no. Not going to happen. I rather just focus on this bit o organized felty wholesale nba jerseys goodness. Lovely.

Powder Blush (optional) china cheap nba jerseys

Download the pattern here (Squirrel china wholesale nba jerseys Ornament Pattern). Warning: Pattern is not fancy. If only Heather Bailey was my neighbor (sigh). Pretend my pattern looks like one of her faboo masterpieces. Okay?

Cut pattern pieces out and trace them on nba jerseys china to the felt. (Tip: I use a Uniball Roller pen to trace my pieces.)

Cut pieces out of felt. (Tip: I like to cut just wholesale nba jerseys china inside the pen line.)

Stitch belly to body. Then stitch on ear piece. Use any kind cheap nba jerseys of stitch you like. (See picture below for placement.)

Embroider nose and mouth.

Hazel has a little powder blush on her cheeks. Apply with a q tip.

Embroider a design on the tummy if you want. Here are some ideas.

I like to embroider a date on the back. (Tip: Make sure you are stitching on the correct side of the back. Not fun to find out you done it wrong after you put in all that work. Yes. I am speaking from experience.)

Match body front to body back and blanket stitch around nba jerseys china the edges of the ornament. Before you sew the ornament completely shut, you can add a fluff of stuffing if you want your squirrel to be plump.

Say hello to your new squirrel friend. Perhaps you will name her Chessie. Get it? Chessie Nut. Chestnut. I think that funny. Are you feeling warm and fuzzy yet? I hope so.

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2022年12月23日 18:50

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